Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Week 9: Twitter

Body positive was one of the keywords I used to search to find connections.  I tried size inclusive and plus sized as well but what I was really looking for was any pages that promote body positivity.  I figured that would encompass the other key words as well.  I also searched for celebrities and clothing stores that I know to promote body positivity so some of my searches were very specific.  I then created two lists, one for body positive specific pages and one for clothing stores that promote body positivity. 

 Will be posting mostly in the morning.  This will be positive quotes and ideas about loving yourself an being your best self, as well as any sales promotions and updates about new lines, garments, and products.  It will be best to do it in the morning because it will be a positive reminder for people starting off their day, or let people know about promotions before they decide to do any shopping for the day.  Seeing a sales promotion when you start off your day may inspire you to get some shopping done.

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