Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week 10A: Personal content in blogging

When it comes to fashion, it can get very personal.  We all have our own unique preferences and styles.  The way we dress influences the way people see us and how we see ourselves.  Adding personal touches to blog posts about fashion just makes sense.  Leather and Lilacs has a major focus on body image and body image has a huge effect on how we value ourselves.  Personable content will help followers remember that it’s something we all deal with.


  1. Hi, I love your thoughts on body image and how it has a huge effect on how we value ourselves. Your personal blogs can help costumers see that they are not alone with this question. It is really great that you, as a fashion designer, are helping people love their own body.

  2. I think with your specific target audience, having a broad range of stories from a broad range of people could be a wonderful touch to show the consideration leather and lilacs has towards positive body image and self worth.
