Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Week1A: My Template

My goal for the social media class is to learn how to promote the fashion company I am trying to start.  The idea of the line is to create fashion that combines an edgy style with hyper-femininity.  The world we’re in demands that we look a certain way, especially in professional settings.  The goal is to help women show off their personalities, while still looking “socially acceptable”.

Creating this blog will help me start getting my images and ideas out there to promote my future company.  It was fun and challenging to find images and color schemes that really portrayed the idea that I’m trying to get across: edgy but feminine. 

The image I chose for my theme is a bit self-explanatory.  Pretty dresses are what this blog is all about.  I also combined dark backgrounds with feminine, light colored fonts to show the contradictory styles of the line.  I’m not super tech savvy so it took me quite a while, but I am relatively happy with the outcome.

My future goals for this blog are to include professional images of the garments in the line as the template as well as in the posts.  I look forward to organizing my ideas on this platform, displaying the things I create, and sharing them with the class.  Hopefully you enjoy it too!  Any amount of feedback is appreciated.


  1. Lindsay,

    Between the thematic choices you made and the mission behind them, I'm all over this blog!

    I agree, in a time where people press expectations upon one another more than ever, it's a liberating and powerful thing to do to press back against those societal boundaries. Finding a balance between hyper-femininity and edginess is no easy line to walk, but through the subtle font selections, image choice, and color scheme, you absolutely killed it.

    One thing I would personally change is the font where it says the date at the top of the post, as well as the "About Me" and "Blog Archive" titles' font. Other than that, looking forward to seeing your work progress!

  2. Lindsay, I think it is neat that you are using your interests and goals in choosing your template, Good luck with your career and future goals in fashion!

  3. I have always considered myself a boundary pusher so I really appreciate the concept of you fashion company. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  4. I think that your blog design encompasses everything you wanted it to say. I like how you created it yourself rather than use a pre-created one like most of us.

  5. Lindsey,
    I love the photos you used for the your blog! The lace dress communicates sophistication and femininity. I love the lace on that sleeve!

  6. Your blog is very alluring, almost sensual if I can say that. I like the colors of reds on black, the font you chose, and the title - makes it even more intriguing.

  7. This blog makes you want to know more. Like Angelica said above, it is almost sexual and I like it. Very feminine but also edgy. The colors flow very well together too!
