Thursday, August 29, 2019

Week 2A: Social Media: Personal vs Business

As far as social media goes, there are many platforms that are intended for personal use.  Some are better for business, and a lot of them function well for both.  Tumblr, Pinterest and Snapchat are some of many social media platforms geared toward personal use.  They are all used to keep track of and share personal things on the internet.  Whether it is sharing day to day events or interests, or using them as a form of communication, they were started so people can interact with each other on a personal level.  They are all ways to share personal interests with other people and are platforms used less for advertising and people promoting businesses.

Some social media platforms that are used more for businesses would be LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  LinkedIn specifically is used the most for businesses.  It is used to connect businesses with individuals who may be looking for a job, or who may make a good addition to their team.  The other three platforms, interestingly enough, were started with personal use in mind and have transformed into platforms for both personal, as well as business purposes.

Facebook, twitter, and Instagram are all social media platforms that have transformed into very effective ways for businesses to gain information that will help their sales and marketing, as well as the marketing its self.  Facebook especially gives them the ability to make a page for your business to share with others.  Facebook and Instagram have become extremely popular places to post advertisements.  If you see an advertisement for something you like, you click on it and it brings your directly to the page you can purchase it from.

Instagram gives businesses the opportunity to promote themselves, creating interesting, artistic pages to promote their products in ways that can produce more followers and brand loyalty.  Twitter functions in similar ways, allowing businesses to use words instead of images to capture the interest of consumers.  These platforms are slightly different from Facebook, because businesses often interact with consumers on a more personal level.

It is fairly clear which social media platforms are most effective for marketing and advertising.  Part of the reason they work, is due to the fact that it allows businesses to connect with an abundance of consumers, while still interacting in more personal ways.  Today creating a following and a loyal customer base can be completely dependent on a businesses use of social media. 


  1. I completely forgotten about LinkedIn, I just always thought of that as a reddit of some sorts! That is some cool information thank you!

  2. I agree with your perspective on Linkedin as well. It does seem to be more of a networking and almost job searching tool than an actual advertising service. Well, I suppose in truth you're really just advertising yourself on there. I would say thats a bit true of all social media but especially so on Linkedin.

  3. I really like the way you explained how companies or business can use Instagram and display their lifestyles in artistic methods. It's a great way for people to make impulse purchases.

  4. Lindsay,

    I found it really interesting how you broke each platform down in context of its recent transition to advertising! I especially resonated with your comments about the convenience and brand loyalty building aspects of Instagram and Twitter. Like you said, they're all different shades of connecting business and personal, and it's our job to figure out how best to do that!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I really like the flow of your post. If I didn't know the assignment I would have thought it was an actual blog post. I think we mentioned most of the same platforms but I like that you also pointed out Twitter. I didn't think about the business use for it but it totally makes sense.

  7. Lindsay, I agree with your assessment of which social media platforms are used for business and personal use. Your response was very informative and thorough.

  8. Hello Lindsey I agree with your post especially on you view for Linkedin. It is a good way to find a job and find people in the job field of the user.
